This unfinished piece of patchwork has been on the go for years. It is using up straps of fabric from all kinds of fabrics that were once curtains or cushions or in other projects . It has lots of bits of floral fabrics , one of my favourite is Sanderson Rose and Peony and there are lots of bits of it in there. I like using bits and getting little images of the patterns. Maroon and burgundy and dusty pink colours are my favourites when choosing florals and I think they look so good together. This was started years ago and it is just draped over the back of a chair getting more and more faded, maybe one day it will get finished. I actually like looking at the wrong side which is even more faded and seeing all the raw edges.
It is made with right angled triangles , and before I owned a rotary cutter , so each piece was cut out by hand . I Love it , hope you like it too .
I do admire your patchwork, I made a few quilts and cushions years ago but nothing so grand and precise, I am far tooo lazy and slapdash for the art so admire your skill!!
Wow, that's beautiful...
I love it, I made one years ago and like you it hung around unfinished. I did in the end complete it, but somehow I wished I had left it alone.
Truly a kindred spirit - I am a patchworker too and also applique quilting .... plus I love to collect shells - have them in jars all over the house - and river stones from travels which add to my suitcase weight .... aaaahhh nature is the most clever artist of all
i think i am falling in love with stitching:)want to try it as soon as possible, though don't know what to start from. i like your patchwork projects, they are cozy.
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