Thursday, 28 February 2008

My Blue Strip patchwork

I made this little quilt with all the left over bits from other quilts. I cut them into 2 inch wide strips and sewed them together. It just sort of made itself, no real planning, but I do like the finished result. Lots of favourite fabrics from other projects all ending up together . Press on picture to enlarge, You will see my tacking stitches, as its not quite finished yet.


computerarte said...

It look's great Milly:)
I love patchwork I already think about do one.
Thanks for the ideia I tottaly agreed with you that draw fits great on a tea towel! I have to find first where can I print draw's like this in fabric's!

ellie said...

Wow ! It's lovely ! My daughter just said "Mum can you make me one !" hmmm...I don't think I'm up to that. Mine would be all "wibbly wobbly" with the patches not lining up properly !Beautiful colours.

Pondside said...

Good morning, Milly. I love your little patchworks - especially the unfinished one. You sound like me - I have too many projects on the go...but I rationalize it by tellin myself that it is insurance against ever finding myself with nothing to do!

Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

Oh this is gorgeous! I've just been down working on my fabric mess! I have waaaaaaayyyyyy too much stuff! Time to get some sewing done! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) Marva

Kathy said...

I just love your quilts, Milly! I see the same attention to detail and color that you bring to your paintings. So lovely : )

Linda Robertus said...

Hi Milly, thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. I didn't know you were a patchworker too - loves this little quilt!
Best wishes from Brisbane,